Unlock Precision in Personal Training Empower Your Training with Data-Driven Insights

Precision Planning

With our app, personal trainers at the gym can seamlessly maintain an effective training plan tailored to each client's needs. By diligently tracking vital body parameters like weight, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and more, trainers gain valuable insights into their clients' progress. This data-driven approach enables trainers to make informed decisions, adjusting workouts and nutrition plans for optimal results. Whether it's setting realistic goals, monitoring performance, or fine-tuning exercises, our platform empowers personal trainers to guide their clients towards their fitness objectives with precision.

Workoutcraft equips personal trainers with the tools they need to monitor progress comprehensively, ensuring every session is purposeful and productive. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to targeted training plans designed to maximize results. Join the ranks of elite trainers who leverage data-driven insights to propel their clients towards success, one workout at a time.

Detailed information about the ward

Centralized Data Management

Workoutcraft serves as the ultimate solution for personal trainers seeking efficient data management in the gym. Say goodbye to scattered spreadsheets and fragmented notes—our platform provides a centralized hub for storing all client information securely. From initial assessments to progress updates, trainers can effortlessly access comprehensive records with just a few clicks. With features like customizable profiles and easy data input, managing client information has never been smoother.

Experience the convenience of having all your client data at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Workoutcraft simplifies the administrative side of personal training, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—guiding your clients towards their fitness goals.

Mentee's training history accessible from the training planning level

Continuous Body Parameter Tracking

Upon adding a new client, our platform initiates continuous body parameter tracking, ensuring a seamless journey from the outset. Easily input initial metrics such as body weight, body fat percentage, and muscle mass composition, establishing a robust foundation for progress analysis. As your client progresses, our intuitive interface facilitates effortless updates and additions to their data, whether through weekly weigh-ins or monthly body composition assessments. This integrated approach seamlessly fits into your training routine, empowering you to monitor progress and refine plans accordingly.

With the ability to continuously track and analyze body parameters, our platform equips you with the insights needed to optimize training strategies and achieve meaningful results for your clients. Embrace the efficiency of continuous body parameter tracking and elevate your coaching experience.

Adding a mentee to the Workoutcraft app

Trusted Experiences

Extremely useful gym app with stats and workout history. Much better than working out with a notepad.
Just the app for personal trainers I was looking for!
With the increasing number of charges, working with spreadsheets has become a nightmare. A personal trainer app is a remarkable convenience for a trainer.